Friday, 5 July 2013

I've been wondering about the existence of alien since I was in primary school. It's about the extraterrestrial living. The alien. Are they really exist? If they truly exist, then they must be in the fourth dimension and we cannot see them with naked eyes. More questions to ponder: What if this Earth is not sphere? What if there is another living inside the core of this Earth? What if all the predictions made by the scientists are wrong?   We live in a vast universe. There were thousands of galaxies out there. To believe that we're the only one exist in this universe, is completely absurd. 

There were three main kind of aliens that is the grey, reptilian and the pleiadian/nordic. What attracts me a lot was the pleiadian. The pleiadian were believed to have same characteristics like human. 

The picture above show a pleiadian/nordic woman being captivated by the U.S government. The details of the picture is blurred. I remember the first time I saw this picture, the details is not blurred and I can see it clearly. The pleiadian always have kind of blonde hair, eye color of blue, pink, purple and red. They were known to have attractive physical shape and extremely beautiful. They communicate through telepathy and telekinesis. The Nordic comes from the Pleiades star cluster that is 400 light years from Earth. Billy Meier from Switzerland had claimed that he encountered this type of alien in 1940s. His story stated that the pleiadian comes from a planet called Erra which is in a different dimension than ours. They are the ancient humanoid race that discovered our planet around 225, 000 B.C. The nordic claimed that they were the silent watchers of the Earth. Their purpose is to provide spiritual revelation and warn humans about behaviors that could potentially lead to catastrophe including issues surrounding actions by Grey aliens and Reptilians. Some said that the New Age movement were given to us by the nordics.

While the Grey aliens had been characterized with skin texture of mammals like whale and dolphin. They have no ears and they have bigger eyes. Their genital part urmm do they poops? No because they don't eat. Some people that had encountered with this Grey claimed that the Grey has 3 or 4 fingers which is webbed. They communicate through telepathy and the past alien encounter stories claimed that people could hear them speaking in their mind. They claimed that the Grey came from a star map drawn from abduction memories brought back during the hypnosis of Betty Hill.  The Greys seems to be more interest on studying other life forms in the universe. They perform test and experiment on their human subjects and then they free them. Some had claimed that the Grey was just a clone to the Reptilian races. The Grey work as slaves to the Reptilians and they managed to escape from them and there is rumor that the Grey communicate and cooperate with the U.S govenment.

The Reptilian figure in the picture above looks so devilish and evil. The Reptilian agenda was to conquer the human races and they want to make us as their slaves too. The Reptilian is believed to have connection with Satan the Devil and their main enemy was the pleiadian.



  1. I painted that Reptilian Virgin on the bottom. ;) Check me out -

    1. So Jesus the Virgin is a reptilian? That was my first impression of your photo.
